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Disaster Recovery

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There often is no way to avoid a disaster. Whether it’s a national crisis or a weather-related tragedy, knowing what to do in the event of a catastrophe is crucial for the survival of a small business.

Creating an effective emergency plan:

Prepare a disaster plan. Many business owners have not prepared a strategy of what to do in case of a catastrophe. When considering a detailed plan, take into account as many variables as possible. The smallest oversight might damage your company severely. For example, consider the safest locations for your merchandise. Be sure you know how to contact your insurance agent in a hurry. Be familiar with a map of your company’s location that includes safety exits and utility connections.

Back up your data, and store it off-site. Business owners who utilize extensive computer data need to back it up on a regular basis. Back-ups should be safely stored off-site, because if your business is destroyed, you will lose the data as well. Create a schedule for your employees to back up their data regularly.

Be aware of your insurance coverage. Meet with your insurance agent to make sure that your coverage is up to date. For home-based businesses, make sure that your coverage protects your company’s equipment to reduce out of pocket costs if a disaster occurs and destroys your company’s equipment.

Be sure to have emergency cash. If possible, set aside several months' worth of business expenses. In case of an emergency, you’ll have money available to pay bills and keep payroll flowing without having to let employees go.

Make everyone at your business aware of your disaster strategy. Make sure that your employees understand what to do in case of an emergency, and make training and awareness a part of your policies and procedures. You will be depending on them to save your business. Furthermore, make sure that your clients and customers know that you have a contingency plan in case of emergency. This will build their confidence in you and your business.

While Secure Florida is dedicated to the cyber security of all Floridians, we also recognize the importance of physical security and disaster preparedness. For more guidelines on preparing a disaster strategy for your business, visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's disaster preparedness web site at Ready.gov. For more information, visit the Red Cross disaster recovery page.